Hey Guys,
It’s the start of a new working day after our first official day off. (not that we do take unofficial day offs …but u know what I mean.lol ). Aaron, was leaving for London on Thursday morning, so we bid him farewell, and thanked him for his great hospitality and his cooking recipes, ESPECIALLY the tiramisu ! And also his excellent recommendations on the places he found interesting. Yesterday, we attempted to take a trip out to Verona and Padua, but we missed the 10:51 train and we had to wait for another hr to take the next 1. We decided that we rather spend that time, exploring Venice, as our 1st expedition. We went around ala’ Amazing race with our backpacks, tripods and cameras, and went on a hunt for all the other exhibitions / pavilions.
We came to the Thailand exhibition, and was kinda disappointed as it was closed at 11.30am. So we took a peek at the key holes in an attempt to see a brief view of the works. We then moved on to Slovenia, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Australia, Luxemburg, Moldova, Iceland. We were impressed with the artworks from Patrick Mimran, from NY, with his giant sized images of parking spaces in NY. Its amazing to see that there are a lot of text there that serve to assist you, but it seems to confuse you more. When asked if the images are ‘Photoshopd’, the gallery sitter, said the artist claimed that its an original photograph, not retouched at all. The colors are brilliant. There was also this artist Susan from Australia, who did a video piece of the East Java (Havoc), and addresses the issues that they are facing with the mudslide. I did not realize the issue, until it was showcased. Its very sad to know that your neighboring country is in this dilemma, and also realize how fortunate we are to be living in a place such as Singapore.
We went walking and walking and walking, and we went took the time to shop around and marvel and drool at their amazing chocolate selection, as well as their giant pizzas, which are about 2euros/slice. There’s also this artist we discovered, a local delight from Venice himself, Livio De Marchi. He does remarkable works of everyday objects, from JUST wood!!! Works ranging from raincoats, underwear, dirty socks!!! Its simply breathtaking. We went to his workshop, but he was not working today. Deb would’ve loved to meet and probably learn a thing or two from the great artist.
Past few days working has been good, we met with many people, as usual, but one I particular surprised us. LITERALLY !! Theres these 2 arab looking guys, who came up to us to enquire bout the price / rates of the artworks, if say he was interested in buying the artwork. We told him we didn’t have the list of prices and that he could contact NAC or the artist directly to enquire in purchasing the artworks. So we were curious and asked him which piece he liked, and thought of buying. He flipped through the catalogue, macam (IKEA catalogue like tat ) and opened up to Zul’s page. He pointed out and said he wanted to buy the Sonic Dome. When asked if he’s for real, he said casually, yea… why not… (at this moment we were flabbergasted). The Dude is only in his early twenties, and he has the cash to buy a Sonic DOME…..!!!... Must be an oil tycoons son. Lol…
So its back to work for us. Enjoy the images…
-ryf / debs
1. Livio De Marchi' jacket
2. A bar, with BRAs as their ornamental decorations.
3. Home-made Ciabatta loaded with Turkey ham, chicken, egg, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese. A mouthful, even to describe…lol
4. Debb, immersed in a garden of GIANT FRUITS.
5. Panoramic picture of the sunset at Fondementa Zattere Ponte’ pier
hey guys back in London.. Sorry to hear that you missed the train! I think I must have given you false confidence..!! At least you know how to get there now.. Good luck with everything, drop me an email if you have any questions. And try to make the Tiramisu, its easy!! Have a blast and keep warm.
I can't believe what I'm about to admit but your pictures are making me miss Venice!! Love the picture of Bacaro. Let the bartender Mario know that Phil and Tara say hi!
Hope you guys aren't suffering from "Vaporetto-head"...
Hey Aaron and Uncle P,
it's okay, the walk to the train station was pretty far i must admit. HOW DID YOU DO IT IN 20MIN??? anyway, we've bought the ingredients for the tiramisu already (at the Bigger Billa supamarket we found on the way to train station) and will attempt to do it some time soon. We'll let you know how that turns out :)!! and as for Mr. P, if you miss VeNICE, then you would be coming back for certain right?? then Uncle P can bring us out! anyway, we're having a good time. and it's getting colder!!!
Btw, we hardly take the Vap so no "vap heads" yet. we try to walk as much as possible to try and burn off all the cheesy goodness, pizza flabs and gelato sludge...
see you guys soon!
dubs and ryfus.
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