P.S. pls do not be offended by my comments and ratings cos they are extremely subjective :-p
~Liao Jiekai
27th june 2005~
Why special? Because I am only featuring one pavilion today. Just one. The Swiss Pavilion... and out of all 5 artist featured in the swiss pavilion this year, im only going to talk about one. okei, one for now, because the other 4 had their work in the giardini which I have not visited yet. But I must say that the this swiss pavilion is one of the most amazing display of art I had seen thus far... most amazing and mesmerizing, that I had to do a special edition feature for it.
Swiss Pavilion @ San Stae ~ 6 stars
This is simply a must see. I went back to this pavilion 3 times. The first time I could only see it for 10 minutes before they had to close for break. The second time to watch and photograph it. The third time, to photograph it again because I am simply unsatisfied with what I took the last time round.
Presenting to you : Homo Sapiens Sapiens, by Artist Piplotti Rist
I am totally blinded by the darkness when I first stepped into the pavilion, because of the huge contrast in lighting difference when i step through the curtains. Next I can barely figure out what I see, people lying on the ground all over? The next thing that came into my mind is " installation with 100 people sleeping on the ground" kinda thing, but the moment I looked up, I saw this huge gigantic screening of video that made me feel like I am in the Omnitheatre or IMAX theatre. I removed my shoes and wore the slippers provided and entered the space. I tried to find a more central bed and lied down. This is what I see:
Okay after seeing so much pictures, i still don't suppose that you as the viewer have any clue to what this work is about. Unless you read history, then you can probably figure out what it is saying from the title of the work. Before I continue i must emphasize something, U MUST BE HERE IN S.STAE TO VIEW THIS WORK!!!
Just simply seeing pictures and reading what I wrote does not do ANY justice to the magnificience of this work at all, maybe I do exaggurate a bit, but you must be here to experience it. This work can only be experienced, not viewed over the computer monitor. Though I am probably contradicting myself by putting up so many photos, but well, those photos are not for you people to see, its for me and all others who have seen these work in Venice, as a reminiscence, as something to think about.
Okay let me get down to what this work really means to me. The first time I view it, I thought that it is about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and how they succumb to temptation and hence the fall of mankind into sin. But... and it is not exactly what it is. Adam is missing. Instead there are two "eves", and they seem to be "toying" with the fruits from the trees, not literally eating it as stated in the bible. They seem to be in this paradise that is free from worries, free from woes, freedom... They seemed to be really happy and enjoying themselves... and it ever more made this work mystical, mysterious and a bit fantasy like.
The notion of making people lie on those really comfy beds. I really appreciate, after walking under the blasted sun for so long, this place is really a good refuge, a good place to rest. One can simply fall asleep on the beds. Okay, that's besides the point, but what I really wanted to say is that it is suggesting something about dreams? that what we view on the screen is part of our subconscious state of mind? that in the minds of everyone in this world there is a hidden utopia, hidden paradise, hidden garden of eden, a place of rest and solace. Okay that is what I interprete, but maybe I shouldn't read too much into the work. Simply lie down, look up and enjoy!