The pavilion drunk made his appearance at approx : 1310hrs. We are just observing his actions in the plazzo. Hes grinning to many people and looks very tipsy. We are just waiting for him to get in the dome and start drinking. then we call the security. Will update soon!
The moment we've been waiting for...
The pavilion drunk left at exactly : 1329hrs. He was asking us if he can charge his music at our desk. We told him to ask the security guard. He made his way to the guest book, and start to leave his comment. He spent 10mins doodling in the guest book. What a masterpiece it turned out. Someday it might be a valued drawing...u never know.
Anyhow, he was bobbing his head up and down while drawing in the book. Deb caught it on video but its too bad that we cant post a video on the blog. But we have a pic of the artwork.
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