Here is a shot of the man-hawk in his zinc enclosure. Surrounded by the flourescent light-bulbs thats used pretty extensively in Singapore (the lights reminds me of my traumatic primary school days and being smacked for stealing my belligerent teachers' pink chalk for more productive functions-coloring in my shoes).

The second room consists of photographs of Vincent's dog, Andy Warholy. The room is called Holy Lounge, and it is in essence a homage to his pet. Vincent has elevated the status of his dog- making Andy almost human, a human with power, like a Venetian Doge. With his $18,000 chair, lush rug below it, professional pictures on the wall and a cigar in the ashtray. A parody of human beings ostentatious behavior maybe? A play on the concept of DOGmatism?

quite hard to ignore.

I love this picture. Its of Andy in his padded cell.
Still grinning. Physically enraptured with his domain despite the collar than binds him and the suffocating rooms that he exists in. A bit of social commentary here on our blind adherence to the institutions that run us maybe?

Lastly, Andy is 'laid to rest' in a cemetery. He is surrounded by hair. Signifying the shedding of Andy's fur due to his death. For some reason, I was convinced that the hair collected around the statue was pubic hair, and went as far as to informing a few visitors that Vincent had collected real human pubic hair for this exhibit. I could have sworn someone told me that. I was told later on by Lindy (the curator) that i was VERY wrong, and it was just normal hair collected at a hairdressers.
hey TJ & Joel,
keep up the good work, Cheers!
PUBIC HAIR! Tara, you are hilarious!
hi there ..
Fariz here, from 2005! hehe .. Could I get in touch with any one of the interns? Xing, Nat and I are planning on a visit to the biennale somewhere in August.
e-mail/msn at go_uk69@hotmail.com :)
grazie mille!
ciao e a piu tardi mio amici
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