Here are some BRILLIANT pictures taken by yours truly. me.
The blurred and over-exposed bits.. were ALL done on purpose.
Ah, here is quite a beautiful composition of Sophie And Gigi's behinds walking down the steps of the Palazzo (palace). They are probably the two most resourceful and vigilant interns the National Arts Council have ever come by.
To their left.. looking very dashing, is Luca. Luca is the Venice agent. So if anything goes wrong, we call him. Luca has been pretty stressed for the past week or so. But I did catch him in Campo Santa Margerita..two nights ago..clutching a big birra.. with a bigger smile on his face.
To the right is Tara T (not me). Manager in the Visual Arts Department at the NAC. And to her right is.. the man.. the legend.. Joel. Joel..BTW.. has a really wicked collection of smart shirts.
Notice the elegant baroque interiors.. countered by the gothic exteriors of the Palazzo. The Design of the building is a bit of a mix of different era's.. centuries.. but it all works. Pretty marvelously.
The visuals which were captured on tape.. and is now being played on repeat on four different t.v. screens in the room.. are pretty intense.
Forgive the bad photography.
I just wanted to provide a few pictures to give those interested a feel of what the Singaporean Pavilion was all about.
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