so the pavilion drunk has taken his place again...
well... maybe he's redeemning himslef this time...
he;s brought a friend!
but his friend seemed pretty normal...
talking straight, walking straight...
the drunkard seemed to be.... giving him a tour i think??!
so wierd.
anyway.. THAT'S HIM!!
first time i saw him was outside hte palazzo.. thsi was the first time he was here with me.
he was fairly well behaved.. just drunken...
ubut not sleepiong everywherea dn bumping into things..
it was a bit tense when je wa s insde because i was expecting something to happen.. but it was all good.
and aaron i s off delivering the posters to the main land so it is just me!!
... am just a littttle sleepy so not much motr to comment on.,.
although the reason i'm so tired is becuase there's a communist party on now in venice...its wierd that they are coomunist!?!
anyway... will elaborate when i can open my